Technology inspired by nature
All our equipment models can be defined as a gas purification equipment under the general name "Gas Electric Filter" (GEF).

Air purification from gases and odours.

Air is processed under the influence of the electric field, plasma and active particles.

Cleans the air of odours and harmful emissions.
Sources of pollution and emissions
Industrial technologies in various industries, workplaces, sources of pollution in households, etc.
Emission substances and impurities
CxHy, СО, NOx, SOx, H2S - Chemical and biological industrial waste, combustion products (smoke, carbon monoxide), household air.
Plasma-chemical section
A reactor where a dielectric barrier discharge is used to create active particles and plasma jets.
Plasma catalyst
A chemical reactor where toxic gases are converted to non-toxic gases during oxidation-reduction reactions.
Exhaust fan
System for efficient expulsion of already cleaned waste air back into the environment.
What are the advantages of the technology?
Simple device construction
Long lifetime of the equipment - more than 10 years
Very low operating costs
Cleaning efficiency of the device is in the range of 80% to 99%
Fully automatic control with remote management and connection to the control room
Ability to remove organic and inorganic compounds from the air
No solid or liquid waste is generated during cleaning
Start-stop system - the equipment can be operated even in non-continuous operations without energy losses
The device meets emission limits above requirements of the Ministry of the Environment


We use a physico-chemical process that allows to excite the valence electrons and thus, with minimal energy output, break down the compounds in the air into their elementary parts.
The cold non-linear plasma transforms the emitted compounds (organic and inorganic) into their basic compounds such as water vapour, oxygen, C, S, N etc., which are no longer harmful to the environment.
There is no heating involved in the technology - no need to use any fossil fuel. Only electrical energy is required for operation.
Due to its innovative nature, the equipment meets the BAT requirements - Best Available Technology.
electricity consumption
Compared to other waste air treatment technologies, our technology has an average of three times lower electricity consumption.
Cheaper than
other technologies
Thanks to the simplicity of the air purification solution, our technology, despite its high efficiency, is about a quarter cheaper than other devices.
Cleaning efficiency
reaches 80 - 95%
Plasma-catalytic technology has a cleaning and decomposition efficiency of 80-90% depending on the degree and form of contamination.
How the equipment works
Innovative equipment operates with plasma-catalytic technology. The device decomposes (degrades) emissions from industry into common, non-harmful substances, including the removal of odours.
Filtration and decomposition in our device take place at the molecular level in a plasma reactor.
This technology can completely replace the thermal treatment of volatile organic compounds in a number of plants.
Our technology is based on cold plasma and therefore there is no combustion by-product. Thus, during cleaning/degradation we do not add any additional compounds to the system that would subsequently increase the volume of pollution.
The operation of this device is basically in very low maintenance level and requires only an electrical supply to operate.
The operating costs of our equipment are significantly lower than other technologies.

Implemented air cleaning applications
Are you interested?
Technological Institute of Plasma Application s.r.o. was founded in 2017. From the very beginning it has been dedicated to research and development in the field of air decontamination. Protecting the industrial environment through innovative plasma-catalytic technology inspired by nature has become our long-term goal.